Experiment #1: De-Yellowing RESULT
Hi this is Shuei.
Here is the result from de-yellowing experiment.
First photo is one from before experiment. As you can see most of consoles turns a lot whiter.
This is what I learned from this experiment.
- SalonCare (solution) need to be applied much evenly to avoid blotchy spots.
- SalonCare does get dry after a few hours and may need better humidifier system.
- Result varies based on type of plastic (I think it is related to the amount of Bromine in the plastic.).
- Time probably won’t matter once chemical reaction is over (leaving it on longer won’t help, I think.). Once chemical reaction is over, wash it down SalonCare and need to start process over.
- It works but I need to be patient if I am looking for non-blotchy white result.
Anyways, this is good way to bring console’s whiteness back. Be careful when you wash the solution out. You want to get rid of any leftover solution. Otherwise, your hands will get irritated (I promise).
Thank you for reading this!!